Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This fuzzball had me in meltdown tonight

originally uploaded by cicidia.
Today was a very stressful day, I had supervision at work (A weekly harassment ohm revision of my work for the week) and it is always at College Park, a center that is 58 miles from my own one way and three blocks from the airport. Every 3 minutes there is a plane taking off or landing and you can feel it in the whole building.Because the program I work under has a revision of charts tomorrow I had to stay late to present two charts for the director Nedie Tordova. I am hoping it goes well as I have only been at the job like 4 1/2 weeks.
I am in major money problems right now.,my ex is in the CCu with terminal cancer and is not able to pay the mortgage on the house. So I had to grovel to my parents. More than a difficult thing for me to do, it always stresses me out... So I made the 38 mile trip to their house for dinner, showers for the kids and laundry , when my 11 year old said that Mr fuzz ball Bailey was in the van and jumped out and ran away. WTF!

Bailey is not an outdoor kitty. He has no front claws (Before I get preached to about declawing being cruel, I got him already declawed.)! He can not defend himself So my dad and I went out and looked but saw nothing.
(Sometimes I tend to doubt my middle daughter, the blonde factor runs deep in her)

So on the way home, the kids were stressing about the cat, I was stressing about the money the van, Jeremy's visa, my ex husband, my own health,(Did I say they found a mass in my uterus last week!) and on top of all that the fuzz ball is misssing..

We get home, and sure enough Bailey is no where to be found, The kids are crying, I'm stressing, I finally get them to bed with the promise I'll go back up to the lake house to look first thing in the morning.

2 hours go by and I am in meltdown, I am totally panicked, there's no way I can sleep thinking he is out there in the cold night with no way to defend himself where coyotes have been spotted, He was left by his owner before and I could only think he thought I was abandoning him too. I couldn't stand it and finally started packing up kids and kit to go and have another search. The middle girl comes back in the house with Mr fuzz ball who was by the van, wet and cold but at least he was home. I am relieved but now so worked up and hyper I still can't sleep. Never the less. Bailey is home again.

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