Saturday, April 19, 2008

Alone and awaiting

originally uploaded by cicidia.
Waiting is not one of my strong points, and I hate having worry on top of it. Jeremy's papers are in the pot and hopefully he will receive them Monday or Tuesday and they will take another three or four to get to London and then after receipt 5 more days for his passport. Sigh, then once the passport is there, we will have to shop for plane tickets and hope that we can find one that won't take every cent we have. Once he gets here there the matter of the house which we have to take over immediately from Carlos (see prev. posts) before he is unable to sign the papers. Then because J. will be here on the fiance visa k-1 program we will have 90 days to marry. Money money money... its a never ending drain... and

I do not have it...

The hospital let the wee ones in to see Carlos today, I hope they realize that the little ones are not aware he is dying.

I am trying to hold myself together though I myself am in pieces. Last week the Dr. mandated me to see a GYN/surgeon to take care of my anemia problem. I am torn between fearing a hysterectomy and possible female castration, or actually having a viable blood count and the ability to have energy. I am also torn knowing that J does not have children of his own, and my time is running out to do so. Even if this problem is cured and my parts spared there is no guarantee that I could ever conceive again.
I also heard today that my father who had been doing well has pneumonia too.

Where does it end?

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