Today was the last day in the life of my Ford Explorer. It died its last death and in the stress of it all I had three meltdowns. How I survived today is totally beyond me. But I guess some good things come around. I prayed and pleaded with God all last night, trying to hold out hope for my car to make it to work today. It didn't. And yet, I now have strangely enough, a working vehicle in my driveway. A year newer than my old car and I didn't have to pay anything but the tag and insurance. I have a strange attraction to things synchronistic, being a metaphysical Catholic. I have had strange yet wonderful things just happen to me at times, usually when I am most stressed. Maybe I do have a guardian angel. So despite being a totally bad day in many ways. It was in the end salvageable.
salvaged endings are better than most... i'm still looking for something to salvage... how did the replacement vehicle come around?
I went to the mechanic, who knew my ex- and his dad,and he wanted my esplorer, blown engine and all. He had a 98 windstar van that he couldn't sell but ran fine. He made his main money selling cars 97 and older in Mexico for cash. Since the windstar was a 98 it couldn't be imported, and no one these days wants a van, but ... He could drop an engine in mine and sell it tommorow. We traded even, and I have a running free basically, van. Synchronicity.
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