Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Feeling Attacked

I feel attacked by all sides. There are a couple of coworkers who believe they have the right to boss you and speak to you however they choose.  If you stand up to defend yourself, they have to be the offended party.  One is so ridiculous that she called me out in front of my boss and ended up looking worse for her actions. She thinks she is the only one who works, the only one who does anything, yet at 1:00, she is finished with her patients, and can wander the center socializing.  Leaving me to fend the from desk and count and deal with the last patients, and anyone else that may come in.  I am tired.  My boss may go on leave for 3 month which will be hell because this person believe in her tiny mind that she is the person that should be in charge. 3 of these things are kinda the same… NOT

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Long time


Sorry I have posted, and this is mostly inner purging… I am feeling the inner most blackness that I have felt since C died.  I can’t explain why, my life is good.  But I do not feel that way.  The pain in my back makes me feel desperate and in tears. My job is frustrating and exhausting.  I live under threats that my job may be taken away at anytime.  Everything just seems hopeless.. They keep saying they are doing something for my pain, but unfortunately to take pills all day is not the answer.  I have to live.  I have to function.  I feel if I didn’t have my children and J, it would be better not to be here.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

After sometime, I decided I need this place again.  My health is not what it was. I am struggling again just to maintain the norm.  I can only dream of retirement in approximately 6 years.  I am elated that J is now working so that maybe I can step away from all this stressful job stuff.  Maybe one day I can get some rest and be free of all this.  Tired of fake people, drama, being blamed for everything and not be recognized when I do well.  20 years is a long long time to be with someone and not even an thank you from them Woke up so dead tired and was not even up to coming into work, but my sense of obligation made me.  Good thing too, my coworkers’ mom is in the hospital again. Having only 3 workers it is stressful on us.  Outside order is due again by the 1st and I have no time to look up the items to get the quotes.