Being an autistic, being closeted, or out in the open has its stigmas. You either explain your oddness or you lie low and hope that you aren’t singled out for being too weird. But secretly, you wish to be anonymous, no one taking notice of you; such as no one disturbing your work, or staring at how you walk or try to engage you in social banalities that you feel totally helpless in. I myself often don’t know how to appropriately react in social situations. I hate changes. New things just make me dig my heels in not to like them. If there ever was an ugly duckling, that would be me. Despite my getting along well (My own way of keeping peace) I am the red headed step child in a world of dark haired children. Or the ginger child as
I guess I have a hard time convincing myself that I am really all that different. After all, I am human. Human beings have lots in common. So why is it that we pick out the different ones? We attack differences much like the weak and sick chick in the hen house. To make ourselves seem to be strong and equal we mask our true selves daily, pushing aside our social bumbling and our angst that challenge our daily existence. Is it really so difficult to accept that someone is awkward, or clumsy or shy? Is there any normal person that you know out there that doesn’t have at least one of these characteristics? Imagine being a student who won the lottery of all the characteristics…
All my life I have been studious. I love reading books, using computers, learning my obsessive subjects. I have great difficulty learning something I find boring such as math, or programming or other tedious subjects. As an artie autie rather than a technical one, I have always had much more of a grasp for the arts both language and manual. I love to analyze things, discover the reason why things are as they are and why something works. I do tend to overanalyze though and sometimes don’t know where to stop. I realize that I could probably learn programming, but I seem to have a mental block atm. The block is like a dull ache between the eyes, that nothing can penetrate. How can I release that block? How can I make myself be open to liking new things? Perhaps it’s just stubbornness…Red heads are good for that. Auties are notorious for that.
I want to go back to school once my kids are older. But each year that passes, leaves me more and more technology impaired and current world events and history changes in the maps etc that I just don’t have a clue. How does one go back to a school to relearn things you haven’t thought about in over 20 years? Is it really that important? Why is it so necessary to take core classes when they have nothing really to do with what you are majoring in? Isn’t that what high school is for? And why can’t you just take the classes necessary for the field you need? Presuming that you passed high school, you should have a good basic grasp of math and English and Science. I thought high school was to prepare you for college. I thought College was to give you a career.
These days, more and more studying is done online. I think I could do that since now my children are a bit older and have learned not to be interrupting me every 5 minutes. But then again, my son (my last baby) does love to mommy me to death so maybe later rather than sooner. I guess what I am trying to say is that perhaps the online experience would avoid having to be in a classroom dealing with social awkwardness, the age gap dumbness and the physical disparity, especially being the older student at school..
humans r animals. no way outta that.
pack/tribal animals, in fact.
result: instincts r present. many r obsolete w/"society." but they persist & make a mess of things.
relevant example:
xenophobia: fear of foreignness.
autistics r foreign EVERYWHERE to EVERYONE.
so we're constantly harrassed 4 being different. it'll never change. even ppl w/dark skin in white communities r still waiting 4 true equality. & ppl w/non-native English voices.
xenophobic behavior: biggest hurdle to humanity surviving beyond 500 more yrs.
u said: "Why is it so necessary to take core classes when they have nothing really to do with what you are majoring in? Isn’t that what high school is for? And why can’t you just take the classes necessary for the field you need?"
i been told reasoningg for this crap. it IS crap. i agree to small extent need for wide awareness of things but gen-ed classes r largely irrellivant & useless 2 making ppl socially functional. so i've the same problem as u.
school & helpers (teacher/parent) failed me every time. being undiagnosed @ those times just sealed my fate. no more energy or resoursds to try again. no motive.
been employed by university. grotesque how much arrogance flourishes there among faculty. defeating purpose of the job they took, the majority r selfish arrogant hyperfocused ignoramuses looking down on anyone w/o master degree; they're there to politic & play childish games fighting over bs. power. authority. image. etc.
there's a minority of faculty which r nice helpful thoughtful wide knowledged ppl caring abt the real point: teaching & learning.
top that off w/infighting betwen faculty & staff (mostly driven by arrogant abuse of staff, staff learn to resent all faculty till proven better than the jerks). it's not managed in any real way but lipservice.
i burned out in industry, but academia far far far worse. especially state government. KU is my example. run like corporate. HR evil like corporate. union in HR pocket. can't use government agencies to fight government abuses. etc.
point: schooling is another mostly-lie in this country. claims 1 thing, does another. like truth, justice... all those USA claims... lies if u have no power or money.
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