Things just get heavy sometimes. Life seems to put its weight on my shoulder. I already this week have gone to the Dr once again for a hurt back and am on so much medication I get stupid high from when I go to sleep that Jeremy has to send me to bed before I really get embaressed. That in itself embaresses me since I don't remember what I was saying.
I wish I could just make myself be someone else sometimes, I wish I was pretty and thin and popular and rich. Oh and healthy, shouldn't forget that... But I have the perfect husband, my perfect children and my perfect pets. It's just me today...
I love the rain, I want to play in it
and forget all the Bob and Carole
Normals when I play in the rain.
I love my kittypuss Momo too
he goes in my room and muffs me
and makes me happy.
I'm editing video for my
Swat Kats dvd, I record
The Swat Kats from Boomerang
channel and put them on dvd
for brother and me to watch.
Thanks Tigger, your kitty looks like it might be Siamese? He's nice looking.
Leeloo still hisses when i pick her up. Mushu the Siamese is very independent and Soli, only wants attention when she wants it
Thanx. Yep he's my Fuzzmo
I think he is Siamese mixed
with someone else butt I can't
remember who the other puss
He is a muffer and a talker and
I speak to him in his native language.
His dialect is surprisingly easy to
understand, tho sometimes my
translator sometimes scrooze up
but I understand him well for the
most part.
It is a shame that Lleeloo has to
hiss when you pick her up, my brother's
puss Hobbes, goes Mewww, when he picks
him up Translation: "Hey! Easy bud!"
but my brother gives him kitty kisses
and lets him go on his way.
Brother is not rough at all with HObbes,
I think Hobbes is kind of picky or
maybe sensitive because even with
my light touch when I pick him up
he mews a little bit, and I am paranoid
about picking Hobbes up.
My brother and me are Kittypuss
Lovers to the end, we love our pusses
and there are no dogs allowed in
brother's house.
We don't hate dogs, but we don't like
how the media always ups dogs and
downs cats. Dang we hate that.
Pick a booger, and
may The Power Of Mew
be with you always.
I don't "hate" dogs, there are some I like, but I am very allergic to the. Touching them makes my eyes swell.
Kitties on the other hand are my favs. Leeloo is learning to like people. She was just adopted by us after spending her life in a cage.
I don't have Boomerang Channel and i have never heard of Swat Kats, so maybe you can tell me about them
Dysamoria's blog is down,
I hope he is ok.
Did he have to take it
down again?
he sent me a note on Flickr saying he was erasing and goodbye...
I will miss him terribly.
He is finally going forever?
He was a nice boy.
Ruined by a poopy world.
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